2021 shall soon come to a close, and very soon we will usher in 2022. In this special session of CSX LIVE! Breakthrough Meeting, Cornerstone Xstate is super-duper excited to feature our very own host emcee Taco Heidinga who literally transformed himself into Father Santa Claus in welcoming this year’s Christmas celebrations. The charismatic style and witty humour of Taco never ceases to amaze us all as he coolly delivered this month’s breakthrough meeting with great aplomb and cool extravaganza! This monthly meeting is also rather relaxed and more laidback, so simply sit back and just enjoy the show folks!
Cornerstone Xstate is all about celebrating fortune and prosperity. To commemorate or usher in the upcoming Chinese New Year (CNY) 2022 festivity, Cornerstone Xstate will be organizing a special Ang Pow Lucky Draw for agents and negotiators who manage to close property deals beginning 22 December 2021 till 31 January 2022. Stand a chance to be a lucky winner from a total of 3 grand prizes and 5 consolation prizes up for grabs. The more deals you close, the more opportunities of winning!
Cornerstone Xstate also wishes to take this opportunity to honour and celebrate its award-winning accomplishments at the recent National Real Estate Awards 2021. Is proud and privileged in winning four key prestigious awards during NREA 2021 hosted by MIEA and organized by PropertyGuru Malaysia. Let us give our biggest shoutout to our winners and the accolades. Congratulations to Evelyn Cheah (Rookie REN of the Year), Lionel Saw (MIEA Million Dollar Achiever), Cornerstone Xstate (Residential Real Estate Firm of the Year) & Cornerstone Xstate (Federal Territories Real Estate Firm of the Year). Thanks a million to everyone who has made CSX absolutely blessed, triumphant and successful!
Also, in conjunction with the NREA Awards 2021 Gala Dinner, CSX is absolutely proud in showcasing for the first time its homegrown talents of singing superstars who serenaded the audience with a memorable and inspirational rendition of the ‘Fight Song’ throughout the awards presentation ceremony. These talented negotiators not only exhibited their prowess in closing property deals but also their unbridled passion in music. Thank you once again to Carol Yong for bringing her vision and brainchild of CSX Superstars to the limelight of the MIEA grand stage!

Monthly Character Recognition (Rens&Staff)
In the Monthly Character Recognition segment, CSX honours a maverick negotiator who exhibits the noble character of DEPENDABILITY, a trait or attribute that exemplifies reliability and trustworthiness. Ryan Lim is an exemplary negotiator who lives up to his promises and expectations. Despite countless setbacks, Ryan Lim constantly persists and perseveres amid the trials and tribulations. Ryan never quits and always rises to the occasion to embrace all commitments. His ability to endure endless hardships and also difficulties is admirable and awe-inspiring indeed!
Cornerstone Xstate also recognises a long-time employee who possesses the virtuous trait of HELPFULNESS as one who is ever willing to lend a helping hand to fellow colleagues and team members during times of need. Yiang is a loyal, selfless, amicable, passionate, diligent and hard-working lady renowned for her unconditional love and uncompromising attitude towards realizing the goals and dreams of others. She goes the extra mile beyond her call of duty to assist anyone who requires help in their daily undertakings. A big bravo, kudos and congrats to Ryan and Yiang for your breakthrough success…great job guys!
During this breakthrough meeting, we also witnessed more closings and deal-breakers from seasoned agents and newbie negotiators. We also paid tribute to mega producers and top teams in recognition of their diligent efforts, unwavering passion and also persistent hard-work. Teamwork truly makes all the dreams work! Cornerstone Xstate continues to invest in creative tools and new methodologies, digital marketing strategies as well as innovative smart technologies. THANK YOU once again to Taco for being such a warm and wonderful host throughout this breakthrough monthly meeting. Together as one united family, we shall brave the storm, conquer all adversities and challenges, and always remain in the game. Continue to BE INSPIRED, STAY MOTIVATED, KEEP MOVING, CONTINUE HUSTLING, and above all, STAY HAPPY folks! Cornerstone Xstate wishes everyone a holly MERRY CHRISTMAS 2021 and a very happy NEW YEAR 2022…HO! HO! HO!