Home Makeover Tips for Raya Aidilfitri
Time to spruce up your home this festive Raya season!
It is that time of the year again when Muslims throughout Malaysia will be ushering in Hari Raya Aidilfitri after a month-long fasting or puasa. Aidilfitri is not just a celebration about donning new clothes, visiting friends and relatives, embarking on open houses and feasting sprees, as well as receiving green packets for kids or children. With the hustle and bustle of road-trips back to one’s hometown or kampung amid an endemic, it can get rather busy, hectic and often over-whelming. Yet, we should not forget or neglect to adorn our homes this festive season in welcoming guests, acquaintances and also family members to our humble abodes.
Budgeting your makeover
Sprucing up the home can be an exorbitant affair with a rather costly expenditure for new appliances, accessories, paraphernalia, fixtures and fittings. Unless you plan on having an over-the-top renovation spree, it is wise to plan your personal budget for these household expenses during seasonal festivities. The costs of such festive make-overs could skyrocket if not managed prudently. Buy stuff that serve their purpose not only once but preferably for the following year. Do not overcook foods that will lead to wastage. Serve only modest portions or appropriate amounts for the specific number of guest present. For simplicity and convenience, use multipurpose food-trays to display all the confectionery and delicatessen in bite-size packs or packages. They not only appeal to one’s appetite but help preserve the overall taste of foods. You also save a great deal of your time, money and energy without resorting to cooking a designated meal.
Here are some simple tips and tricks to make your holiday home looking like a dream!

A Clean House is a Happy One
First and foremost, you need or perform a total spring-cleaning to rid your house of dirt, dust and pest. Make sure to thoroughly mop, wipe and vacuum each corner of the house including every nook and cranny. Pesky pests are not to be taken lightly as you would not want your guests to be put off by the sight of gnarly creatures such as bugs, insects, roaches and rodents scurrying around on your living room and dining hall floors. They would certainly cause great distress or discomfort if left unchecked. If pests are a problem, engage the services of professional exterminators for complete peace of mind. Also, reconfiguring your living space by rearranging your existing furniture or home décor exhibits a more roomy or spacious interior.

Spruce up your Space
Interior décor is the single most important element within any home. For a Raya-inspired home, you need niche decorative items such as vintage lamps, green lanterns, ketupat trinkets, Raya wallpapers, lacy curtains, scented candles, potpourri and other miscellaneous objects to enhance and elevate the Raya mood for occupants and visitors. To complete the Raya look and feel, remember to affix or install the all-important “fire sticks” or flame torches on trees (if any) within the porch or outdoor compound to adorn your home’s exterior. They will definitely contribute to a more cheerful experience surrounding your house with the fireworks and fire-crackers adding to the excitement.

Investing in a Home Theatre System
When you have many people sitting idly in a living room, it can get pretty boring pretty quick, unless of course they have interesting conversation topics or subjects to fill their time and boredom. Do away with mundane ambience within living spaces by investing in an audio-visual system that will surely make guests drool in delight. A big-screen TV coupled with cutting-edge surround sound is a fool-proof way to capture their attention and keep them entertained.

Pet Companion for Entertainment
Pets not only serve as ideal companions for the home, they are also a great source of enjoyment and entertainment for guests who come visiting your house. Children will find them especially fun to play with whilst parents readily mingle and chit-chat among themselves. Sometimes you do not really need an AV system to impress your guests but merely the warmth of your furry friends to charm them. With the notable exception of dogs (strictly prohibited for Muslims), household pets such as cats, birds, fishes and hamsters make for a great addition to your home environment as they brighten the mood and atmosphere. Since not all pets are allowed or permitted within residential premises particularly high-rises, it is best to consult your management committee (MC) or joint management body (JMB).

Welcoming your Guests
Last but not least, it is time to welcome your guests with open arms and door gifts. Reception represents the most important act in your festive open house. Presents and goodie bags generally create a lasting impression upon guests as they are imbued with a feeling of welcoming warmth as they are presented with a miniscule but meaningful gift. For children, the much-awaited Raya green packets are truly the highlight of any open-house event. Receiving free cash is almost always a joy and pleasure for kids. Aidilfitri is truly a fun-filled occasion for most Malaysians throughout this festive season. Come celebrate the joy and happiness of Hari Raya by sharing your abundance and prosperity with loved ones and close acquaintances. Have a safe balik-kampung trip as well as happy holiday home folks! Cornerstone Xstate is delighted in wishing all Malaysian Muslims SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI, MOHON MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN.